Government Relations - Risk Management- Cybersecurity


Ian Connerty is an exceptionally astute government relations and communications pro, with the unique ability to take disparate, discrete elements and pull them together to form a dynamic strategy. His respect in government is very high and stems from a well-earned reputation as an honest broker. I recommend Ian very highly and thoroughly enjoyed working with him

Robert Hutton Vice-President at Innovative Research Group


Many times this past quarter-century, I have insisted on bringing Ian into projects that other GR/Communications strategists can't or won't handle. The stickier the project, and the more of a challenge it is; the greater is Ian's commitment and determination. I have seen him stare fearlessly into the face of defeat and talk it into submission, never quitting until our opponents are vanquished, our stakeholders are satisfied, and our clients are delighted. He's a good man to have in your corner. Or guarding your back 

Michael Marzolini Founder and Former Proprietor of Pollara Strategic Insights.


Ian was recommended to me to help me finish writing a biography, "Lifeliner," after I'd sustained a head injury. I needed someone to organize me; to break tasks down into simple steps; to make decisions on what to do first to get back on track and how to proceed from there; to help me create a new outline that was within my new abilities but would still tell the whole medical and personal story of Judy Taylor, the woman who could not eat; to help me create chapter titles and summarize the chapters for my book outline; to attend my meetings with my editor t help me process what was discussed and once again create simple, doable tasks that would lead to a completed book. Ian made something that seemed impossible due to my injury not only possible, but also successful in sales and in receiving four- and five-star reviews

Shireen Jeejeebhoy Self-Published Author


Communications is a critical component of success for any organization or individual. Successful communications is the difference between creating a win or avoiding a disaster. Ian Connerty creates wins. His perfect sense of timing, his intuition, his knowledge of media and human relations makes him, in my view, one of the mos effective public affars  tacticians around. His skills have been utilized in managing some of the biggest media stor both here in Canada and abroad. His background in media coupled with his pedigree in politics make him a huge asset for any organization seeking successful communications results. I am proud to be associated with Ian. 

Marc Kealey Chief Advocate at Kealey & Associates Inc


I have worked with Ian on a number of projects over the past twenty years and have relied on his ability to formulate strategy then plan and execute a communications plan. He also picks winners and losers with uncanny accuracy.

Mike O'Neill, President at First Contact Management


As someone who has known Ian for over 20 years and collaborated closely with him on political campaigns, I can attest to his understanding of the realities of government and political decision making, the electoral process, and how to move an issue successfully through all of these to obtain a desired outcome. He is a consummate government relations professional, able to work effectively with governments of all stripes to consistently delivers results for his clients. I cannot recommend Ian highly enough.

Elizabeth Mulholland CEO, Prosper Canada


I met Ian when I was managing policy development in the new Ministry of Skills Development. We both had demanding jobs. They required steady nerves, excellent communications skills and the ability to make decisions. Ian excelled and I've valued our association ever since.

Les Horswill Writer and Consultant 
